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Trauma-Informed Infertility Treatment
Understanding & Attending to the Trauma Survivor's Experience of IVF

A.R.T. & T.I.R.E.D.
Assisted Reproductive Technology (A.R.T.) and the treatment of infertility are amazing. Approximately 1 in 6 couples will experience infertility, and many will seek treatment. For patients who are trauma survivors, this could be the start of a harrowing journey through a mentally and physically exhausting process fraught with doubt, fear, pain, and hope.
Research indicates that infertility, and the process of enduring treatment, may cause trauma to a patient without prior mental illness. For those women who suffer from past trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), the pain of enduring treatment increases, and the risk of being harmed through triggers and/or re-victimization is significant.
By clicking on this website, you are already on your way to ensuring that you are providing the best trauma-informed care for those most vulnerable patients in your practice.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). (n.d.). Retrieved from
CDC_AA_refVal= Infertility. (2018, August 28). Retrieved from
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